Friday, October 30, 2009


sekarang ni eyzzah memang boring tahap max!!! Tidak mengetahui untuk berbuat apa-apa..sehinggakan menulis pun menggunakan bahasa baku...ho0o0ho0..tidak mengapa,masakan remaja sakarang menggunakan bahasa baku dalam kehidupan seharian mereka..biarkan...biarkan saja,,kerana,,terbiasa,,hahaa..

biarkan eyzzah manjadi orang yang tidak biasa..luar biasa,kata orang..kegilaan yang tidak gila..itulah orang yang paling kaya di dunia..AKU INGIN MENJADI ORANG YANG KEGILAANNYA YANG BUKAN GILA..haha,,sudah merapu lagikan maraban,,oh tidak!! Sudahkah aku menjadi orang gila?! “Belum lagi”,kata dato’ fadhilah kamsah..mengapa namanya yang terpilih dalam ruangan ini? Aku pun tak tahu mengapa..tetiba sahaja dia terpilih..sudah taqdir Ilahi..tidak boleh dielakkan..haha..aku sudah jadi suka bila merapu..tidak,tidak..jika perkara sebegini menjadi hobi,tidaklah kujadi seorang doctor nanti..”hmm,so..what next?”,Tanya siti Fatimah ili..[bila pula ili menjelma?? oh,hiraukan sahaja]”okey,kita ulangkaji physics pula ya...jom eyzzah!!!

Ya Allah,janganlah Kau biarkan hambamu ini terpesong dari landasannya..ameen! [bukannya kupanggil amin budak kelasku..tapi ameen ya rabbal alamin!!! Ameen!!!........ Pergi basuh kain!! haha ]

sorry amin,,tu pun kalau dia baca..tapi rasanya dia tidak akan baca..ho0hoo..okey! stop!!!

Astaghfirullahalazim....aku lupa sebentar..bukankah lebih elok berzikir daripada merapu? Ya! Itulah yang sebetulnya!! Berzikir 100kali tasbih,tahmid,takbir,dan apa lagi ya? Tapi kalau baca,nescaya dosa-dosa kita akan terhapus seperti ter’pop’nya buih-buih di lautan..ya adik kakak..bak kata ustazah Fatimah Az-zahrah..hehe

sudah habis lagikan sudah,
sudah tidak puas lagikan tidak sudah,
sudah ada yang nak buat lagikan.....melengah
jom pergi belajar fizikiah!!! ;p

Monday, October 26, 2009


Assalamualaikum again!!

Sorry for not updating my blog for a long2 time ;p
my post for this time is about friends...

well,we get a lot of definitions of 'friends'...from many perspectives..

from my angle, i perspective is..friends are someone who always help me in any ways..
friends is also like a mirror of me..if u want to know someone,just take a look of his/her friends...even though, he/she will said " i only be friend with him/her but doesn't mean i am like him/her [if that 'him/her' is bad]..

well,no! once you make friends with someone,you'll get his/her behavior...maybe a bit..but u'll get select a good friend for yourselves,its important as it will decide your future too..
as for example,by making friends with him/her, you'll get job [in his/hers taste] coz u'll find job with her/him or u ask him/her to find u a job...
a soul mate [in hers/his taste]..coz u ask him/her to find one..or him/her introduced ur soulmate to u...
a house/shelter [in her/his environment]..coz she/ he likes to be in that vicinity/ it or not, it will be like that..

friend-sahabat-partners-best friend-mates...all of these has a different meanings from every my mom,her best friend is my,for her, there will be one person for her so called 'best friend' her lifetime..

and for someone, friends or sahabat is termed for those who are sefikrah.. i mean, they have same vision and mission in life...they have tighten with a strong ukhuwah...though they are part from each other, they always have the same vision..point of view...who they wanna be from now on until akhirah...they always in one road,one ikatan, that will never break even though they not seeing each other in a long time...

there is no need to take a long time to recognize this kind of bond if you found one..i said 'if you found one' means its hard to find those kind of persons....once in you lifetime..or should i say;a very rear species..if you are in 'the niche'; of course you will find a lot of them [in that niche]...but it will be hard for those who lived out of the niche...i called these kind of friends are guidance friends,kinda angel-friend; coz they guide me to the truth...telling me my mistakes...never let me do bad things..tell me how to overcome my problems..

it always be easy if we have friends with the same point of view,
and we live together,just to keep remembering our vision and mission
to lead our life,
to face the world...the fierce world
don't we?

its nice to have those kind of friends..veryvery nice..indeed!